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Franciscan Life

Cherished Memories...
Tom's Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi

Our very own br. Tom, OFS made the journey to Rome and Assisi in the company of many others from various places.  They all had one thing common: A desire to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi.  Come journey with him now....

Feast Day of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi - 
Pilgramage and Mass
September 17, 2016

What a wonderful day with our Franciscan Family. A special thanks to all our family for participating. Thank you to Fr. Steve Gross, OFM, Conv. for celebrating this special Mass, along with Deacons Sire, OFS and Halka, OFS.


 St. Kilians parish joined us for our special day by walking for mental health from their parish to journey, with us, through the Holy Doors during this Year of Mercy

Feast Day of St. Clare: Mini Retreat and Day of Reflection

The San Juan Capistrano fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order spent the day with other brother sisters enjoying the topic of Satin Clare as told to us by Deacons Joe and David.  As a special treat we got to hear the story of the Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament as told by Sr.Blanca Lopez.  The Sisters brought with them two relics.... one with both St.s Francis and Clare and another with only St. Clare.  Later mass was held in the historic Serra Chapel with celebrant Fr. Steve Gross, OFM., Conv. assisted by Deacons Joe Halka, OFS and David Sire, OFS

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